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Business Growth

The surprising reason why your employees won’t take initiative

“Why won’t my staff take initiative?” Have you ever wondered this before? Perhaps you’ve been wondering this for a while now and you just can’t quite put your finger on where your early-days employees (who ...
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The best performance review questions for employees
Business Growth

12 Performance Review Questions for Employees – Boost Productivity

Performance reviews can be powerful tools when used correctly as they create a strong line of communication between manager and employee that constantly stays open. You can use the performance review process to tweak performance ...
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Business Growth

4 ways to build your business, not your workload

When you’re firefighting through your days, it can be difficult to imagine taking some time to actively build your business. After all, it feels like you don’t have any time to do anything. You spend ...
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Business Growth

Team-building activities: are they worth it and how to maximise them

Team-building activities are a seemingly controversial topic within the workplace. Often, if they’re not met with distaste, they’re viewed as an opportunity to skive off work – neither being the intended response. But if this ...
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Business Growth

The ultimate guide to delegation

Effective delegation is fundamental to the success of any business. And yet, it continues to prompt discussions about what, why and how to delegate work. The issue is, many businesses see the need to delegate ...
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Spring Statement
Budget Statements

Spring Statement Announced

In March 2022 Rishi Sunak and the Government announced their latest changes to the Budget. Glow Accounts has created a handy overview for you to see a snapshot of the things you need to know.
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Glow Accounts - Accountants in Crowborough

Crisp Accounting, is set to shine following a rebrand

Crisp Accounting Ltd, an accounting firm based in Crowborough, East Sussex, has undergone a full rebrand of its name, image and website to accurately represent its values.  The firm was founded by Stephen Crisp in ...
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