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Holiday Pay Entitlement in the UK: What You Need to Know

Holiday Pay Entitlement in the UK: What You Need to Know

Understanding holiday pay entitlement is essential for both employers and employees in the UK. Ensuring compliance with legal requirements not only fosters a fair workplace but also helps avoid potential disputes and penalties.  According to ...
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The Importance Of Accurate Payroll Management And How Payroll Accountants Can Help

The Importance of Accurate Payroll Management and How Payroll Accountants Can Help

Accurate payroll management is crucial for any business, regardless of size. Payroll errors can lead to significant consequences, including financial penalties, employee dissatisfaction, and damage to your company’s reputation.  According to a recent article from ...
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Management Accounting

What can Management Accounting do for your Business?

Running a successful business is like juggling multiple balls: boosting sales, trimming expenses, and expanding your customer base. Staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success and there’s one ball that often gets overlooked—the ...
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Understanding Business Scaling: A Guide for Entrepreneurs
Business Growth

Understanding Business Scaling: A Guide for Entrepreneurs

The term “scaling” gets tossed around a lot in the business world and online sphere, but what does it really mean? Scaling isn’t just about making more money; it’s about automating and expanding your business’s ...
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Payroll Accounting - Glow Accounts

Payroll Q & A: An essential guide to the basics

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to understanding payroll essentials! As ‘Payroll Guru’s’ at Glow Accounts, we often get asked the same questions, whether you’re a seasoned employee or new to the workforce, grasping the fundamentals ...
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What are clients say about Glow Accounts and our tax and accounting services
Management Accounting

The Strategic Wizardry of a CFO: A Guide to Business Empowerment

In the vast landscape of business, there exists a figure wielding unparalleled power in steering the financial trajectory of an organisation—the Chief Financial Officer, more commonly known as the CFO. Often hailed as the strategic ...
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Our Comprehensive Guide to Writing a Successful Business Plan - Glow Accounts - Crowborough Accountants
Business Growth

Writing a Business Plan

Writing a business plan is a critical step in the process of starting or growing a business.  A well-structured and comprehensive plan serves as a roadmap for your business, helping you clarify your vision, secure ...
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Home Working

Limited Companies and work from home expenses – What can you claim for?

Over the past couple of years since the Covid Pandemic, working from home has become the norm for many organisations.  Some businesses have created a hybrid working environment, allowing business owners and employees to split ...
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Business Growth

The Deed of Partnership: A Crucial Document for Your Business’s Success!

Starting a business is like embarking on a journey with fellow travellers. Just as a journey requires a planning and a map, every business venture needs a clear roadmap and guidelines for its partners. This ...
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Business Growth

Mastering Time: The Art of Effective Time Management without being a Timelord!

Does your to-do list constantly grow and leave you feeling like you are going in circles? Does time often feel like there isn’t enough of it to get the job done?   In today’s fast-paced ...
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The Benefits of being a Limited Company versus a Sole Trader

The Benefits of being a Limited Company v’s Sole Trader

The Key Benefits of being a Limited Company versus a Sole Trader At Glow Accounts, we are often asked by new ‘start-up’ businesses: ‘Is it better to set up a limited company or sole trader?’. ...
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The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)

What is CIS? Introduced by HMRC to reduce tax evasion, The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) is a set of rules and regulations that apply to contractors and subcontractors who work in the construction industry. How ...
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